" The reason is we look at people as we are;
Not as they are!! ".
Misunderstanding is nothing but, simply the understanding/communication is lost between two persons/group's.
What is understanding ?
When there is a mutual respect or love is lost between people the misunderstanding come in to picture.When a person is not keen in the other person he/she find everything is wrong in that person...
The prejudice is the other major fact that cause many misunderstandings even among beloved people.Among couple/friend or family.
What is this prejudice?
It is an adverse judgement or opinion formed beforehand without good justification.
For example:- The husband about to say something to the wife,the wife not even ready to listen to him and made a full stop..same with the wife...wise versa.
We judge people just like that...
just carrying the past and we not even bother many times, what the other person are right now..Any person can change into anything anytime.
A killer may turn to mahatma or a mahatma can turn to a killer any moment...We don't know what the life is going to offer the next second!!
In a nutshell, when the love,affection,friendship/Rela tionship is missing, there tend to be a misunderstanding and that lead to many problems.So love all and nurture a good relationship with everyone as you can.If you happen to meet acquaintance just maintain courtship!!
its very simple, keep all your mind focused without prejudice when the other person is conversant with you..if you happen to be busy just say..i am busy and we talk latter.When you keep your mind engaged and that hinders the communication and cause misunderstanding.
Many times, i have experienced when the other person is talking, when i was not in a mood/agreeable terms, what he was talking about... i used keep mum..Thinking that this silence is wise rather arguing!! but it is not so.Your silence also can be Mis-interpreted and lead to misunderstandings.So understanding needs lot of subtle qualities.
I don't know how many of you understand what i am saying here or misunderstanding me??.. Any way i learned little about understanding the misunderstanding while writing this.
Have a nice understanding week end.