Thursday, July 28, 2011


" Richness is not earning more,spending more or Saving more"
" The real RICHNESS is ; When you need no more"

Every one, out there in the world chasing after money and making all our attempts to gain so much money!! Thinking that one day we will have all richness and enjoy life..That one day is never going to come.
The intention of making money is to enjoy or celebrate life.But we are so much pre-occupied with the money. only the obsession of making money remaining with us and that make us to do, so many works to achieve the richness.We jump from one to another company for better salary...however you jump and how much ever one may get more salary is not enough.As the inflow raises the outflow of money also subsequently raises.Slowly, slowly we become nothing but money making machines and there is no enjoyment in life.

Just remember one thing, there are so many kings came and gone..They had all richness,Still they were unable to conquer life with their richness.Making money and becoming rich is just one part of life..So, don't over do that...Because, you are going to attain nothing but miss the life here&now which is very short and so precious.

The Billgates,Infosys- Narayanmurthy etc they all made all the richness they fact beyond their wants...Finally they gave up many of their wealth to charity.It means they want something else than money...!!Just assume that how much effort they made to attain that richness and simply give up that to a charity? Think about it. That is Life.The quality of living is more important than only accumulating wealth.

Richness or Wealth has meaning when you are there to enjoy and celebrate your life.There is a point in everyone's life comes, when you want no more; Then life happens.One will find meaning of richness...' Richness is not just the material wealth but it is more of the 'INNER RICHNESS'.That comes to one when one want no more.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


"Yesterday's failures are today's seeds
that must be diligently planted to be
able to abundantly harvest
tomorrow's successes."

We often hear "The failure is the step stone for SUCCESSES" but, when it come to a practical life situation, we simply fed up after encountered a small failure!!We simply give up what ever job we may do it. once we see the first attempt was not fruitful.

Is this the way one to give up the task??

We must keep on doing...not just merely trying.We many time says to some one " I WILL TRY" when they ask us some help.

This word 'TRY' Has no meaning or depth in it.It is a word that come from the throat.The try never work out.When the next time, just be aware when you use this word 'i try'...instead change try and confidently say I will 'DO' it.You will really 'Do' it.

Our failure are also due to the cause of >' Lack of deep thoughts'.
Whatever one may do, Do it with full heart.Give all your attention to the work you may be involved in.Just imbibe deep thought within you and visualize as much as you can and that brings you so much capacity to stand alone and win at last.

When you think deep you will come to know the DO's and DON'T's.When you avoid the DON'T's that save lot of your time& energy.This itself clear your path towards success.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Be A sculpture

"A Stone is broken by the last stroke,This does not mean first stroke was useless."

Success is a result of consistent /continuous effort.It only comes to those who has the will to see the end.

Just imagine a Sculpture, who make sculpture out of the raw stone need to put so much efforts to break the hard stone.He/She has to give hard st
...roke to the axe by the hammer... than only , he/she can remove the un-wanted parts of the stone and finally he/she brings out the sculpture as per the desired objects.But, in the much consistent effort is needed to bring out the best out of the raw stone.

The sculpture is no where, but within the stone itself.
The ordinary eye can not see that.Only the sculpture can penetrate and see the sculpture within it..He just do nothing but removing the unwanted parts of the stone and that make the stone to worshiping idols in our temple.This is what makes things ordinary to ex ordinary.

What ever work one may do, is not so important.But the involvement and the consistent effort only make one to underline their presence in their field.They may set a trend for others to follow.Just remove the hurdles out, that hinders your path of success.Just adapt the skills from a sculpture,how he identify and remove the unwanted stone and make it adorable one.